Wednesday, May 11, 2011

so crafty...

I make people :) I'm due Labor Day, Sept. 5th. At the moment I'm recovering from a dermoid cyst removal surgery on Monday and have a bit of a frankenbelly, but I'm up and walking and this baby is kicking like there's no tomorrow.

On the crafting front, this is woefully empty of photos. I've done a few knitting projects, made some big modular origami pieces, and sewed a few things. And made a baby quilt with my mom back in March. Maybe I'll get a photo of the quilt when she's done putting the binding on it.


  1. So exciting, Catherine - congratulations! Isn't baby knitting fun? And how fitting that you are due on Labor Day. ;)

  2. baby knitting is great...especially because it's easy to pick up between drug-induced naps!
