Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Some finished projects and a new one

I made some fingerless gloves for a present, using the cover pattern from the most recent issue of Jane Austen Knits.  The yarn's true color has a little more yellow in it.

My mom and sister visited and we all made our own versions of an embroidery pattern that my mom brought along.  Mine is a little...rough...but I like it.

Today I started a knitted blanket, just simple garter stitch with bulky yarn and size 10.5 needles.  I like the color, a warm fuchsia.  When my sister visited, I convinced her to buy some shoes in the same color.  It's a great color.

Soon, I hope to start some baby knitting for my sister-in-law, who is expecting early next year.  And that's about it, other than eating my weight in peaches and tomatoes!  Gotta love August for that.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

the birthday dress

It's done!  Happy birthday to my sweet baby.