Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Some finished projects and a new one

I made some fingerless gloves for a present, using the cover pattern from the most recent issue of Jane Austen Knits.  The yarn's true color has a little more yellow in it.

My mom and sister visited and we all made our own versions of an embroidery pattern that my mom brought along.  Mine is a little...rough...but I like it.

Today I started a knitted blanket, just simple garter stitch with bulky yarn and size 10.5 needles.  I like the color, a warm fuchsia.  When my sister visited, I convinced her to buy some shoes in the same color.  It's a great color.

Soon, I hope to start some baby knitting for my sister-in-law, who is expecting early next year.  And that's about it, other than eating my weight in peaches and tomatoes!  Gotta love August for that.


  1. I think your embroidery turned out great! Isn't it a cute pattern?

    Did you hear that hubby and I won a trip t NYC? We will be there at the end of September. My goal it to visit Purl SoHo! =D

  2. Oh, Purl SoHo.. I've wanted to go there since we moved to the east coast! Congrats on winning the trip!

    And yes, I do love that little pattern. Very cute!

  3. Hi Catherine
    I wondered where you got the pattern for the gloves from? I LOVE them : )
