Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Technicolor Quilt

Or maybe a pixelated quilt.  Anyway, it's done!  

The slightly wonky perspective is deceiving.  It did end up a rectangle with straight sides, which was reassuring since I didn't trim the batik strips I started with, and they were slightly different widths...woops.  Anyway, all's well that ends well.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Some failure

First there were the skipped stitches on the middle few rows.  

Tension problem?  Going too fast with a walking foot?  I don't have enough experience to know.  I sewed the rows down, going very very very slowly.  Didn't have the patience to unpick and re-sew.  (Sigh.)  But it doesn't look too bad, for a first try at all this.  Ahem.  And the  butterflies are doing their job of distracting.

I felt better, so I got out the binding I had cut out and sewn together over the weekend.  I sewed it together just like binding for clothing (I thought) except I managed to somehow sew one strip to the front of one, then that strip to the back of the next, alternating back-front-back-front, the entire way.

(This is with it folded to show the alternating seam problems.)

So......I must cut it all apart and re-sew.  What's that line about falling off a horse?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Before and almost after

It's so close to being done.  This was at 3:30pm, right before I started quilting.

A couple hours of stitch-in/around/near-the-ditch, then dinner and cleanup, and then I did the last bits.  This was later tonight after trimming away the extra batting.

Next up, cut binding.  Phew.  

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Bright and colorful quilt top

I finished it!  And it only took four months, ha.  The patchwork matching is a bit sad, but I don't mind that much.  At least it can only get better.  Here's a photo with Lucy this afternoon.

The colors are a little off, so the hot pinks aren't as bright, and the dark greens aren't nearly as dark.  We're off to the fabric store tomorrow to look for batting and backing.  Woohoo!